Florida State University, Yearbook (Tallahassee, Florida)
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Căutare în Florida State University, Yearbook (Tallahassee, Florida)
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Florida State University, Yearbook (Tallahassee, Florida)
12.788 înregistrări
Renegade (1997). The publication of yearbooks at Florida State University began in 1901 when West Florida Seminary published The Argo. Publication under that title continued through the transition to Florida<br><br> State College with two more editions before it was halted when the school was renamed and repurposed as the Florida Female College in 1905. In 1909 the name of the school changed to Florida State College for Women, and one year later the institution published its first yearbook entitled, Flastacowo. After the 1915 edition, publication was suspended during World War I, and resumed in 1921. In 1947 the school returned to coeducation as Florida State University and in 1948 it published the new yearbook, Tally Ho! After the student published 1971 edition, publication of the Tally-Ho! was halted. Since then it has been published sporadically under various titles, including Tally Ho (1973), Artifacts (1980-1981, 1985-1986), and finally, Renegade (1988-1997, 2006-2007). Publication of the yearbooks ceased after the 2007 Renegade.
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