Australia, Business Register
9,079,367 înregistrări
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Căutare în Australia, Business Register
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Australia, Business Register
9.079.367 înregistrări
This collection contains records of individuals who own businesses in Australia and have registered for an Australian Business Number (ABN). Records typically include the name of the individual, name and type of business, the place where the business is located, post code, and ABN.<br><br>The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit identifier used to identify and track businesses operating in Australia. It was introduced by the Australian government in 2000 as a means of simplifying business registration and reducing the regulatory burden on businesses.<br><br>Any business that is operating in Australia or that has Australian customers is required to have an ABN. The ABN is used for a range of purposes, including taxation, invoicing, and government registration. It is also used by other businesses and organizations when dealing with the business, such as when providing goods and services or entering into contracts.<br><br>The records in this collection are © Commonwealth of Australia 2020.
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