1921 France Census
24,338,686 înregistrări
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Căutare în 1921 France Census
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1921 France Census
24.338.686 înregistrări
This collection contains the 1921 census records from a variety of departments in France. Records typically include names, year and place of birth, relatives in the household and residence information. Additional details can be found on each record’s associated image.<br><br>From 1836 until 1936 a national census was conducted every five years in France except for 1871 (which was delayed one year and conducted in 1872) and 1916 (which was skipped). Census records provide an excellent resource for finding ancestral family members living together and identifying their relationships, birth years, and birth places.<br><br>This collection was added following MyHeritage's acquisition of Filae.
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Antoine SAINT EXUPÉRYResidence: 1921 - Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens, Ain, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Antoine Marie Jean Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry, simply known as Antoine de Saint Exupéry, was a French writer, poet, journalist, and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the United States National Book Award. best remembered for his novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince).