US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906
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Căutare în US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906
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US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906
615.903 înregistrări
This collection is an index of naturalization documents filed in courts in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont from 1791 to 1906.<br><br>This collection spans several important developments in US naturalization laws. The first US naturalization law was passed in 1790, the Naturalization Act of 1790, and the first change in naturalization laws occurred as early as 1795. Significant changes to US naturalization laws include the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, which naturalized all children born in the United States regardless of their parents’ citizenship. Prior to 1870, the naturalization process was primarily restricted to “free white persons”. The Naturalization Act of 1870 further expanded the naturalization process to include “aliens of African nativity and...persons of African descent”.<br><br>This collection consists of two types of documents: 3x5 inch cards which are an index of naturalization documents, and 5x8 inch copies of naturalization documents. The 5x8 inch copies contain more useful information than the 3x5 inch cards. Earlier records, both 3x5 inch and 5x8 inch, will contain less information than later ones. Both the index cards and photocopies can be found at the National Archives-New England Region. <br><br>The 3x5 inch cards contain little information, primarily the name of the petitioner, the name of the court, and document numbers. These cards do contain spaces to collect additional information, but these spaces were often left blank. These cards do contain a Soundex Code that may be helpful for further research.<br> <br>In addition to the name of the petitioner, the 5x8 inch naturalization records may contain petition for citizenship, oath of allegiance, record of previous citizenship, place and date of birth, occupation, place and date of arrival in the United States, name of the ship, place of residence at the time of application, and name and address of a witness to these statements.
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