Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897
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Căutare în Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897
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Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897
779.885 înregistrări
This card index was originally created by the Works Projects Administration (WPA) between 1935 and 1937 and published on microfilm in 1970. Information available on the index cards will vary according to what was written on the original passenger manifests. On some cards the names of individuals (family members) accompanying the passenger were written on the reverse (back side) of the card. Because the card index contains a separate card for each person, NARA did not microfilm the reverse side of the cards.<br><br>This collection is part of the <a href='' target='_self'> United States Passenger and Immigration Records Collection</a>.