Chester 1938 Kelly's Directory
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Căutare în Chester 1938 Kelly's Directory
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Chester 1938 Kelly's Directory
503 înregistrări
Chester 1938 Kelly&apos;s Directory. 1938. <p>This typically comprehensive Kelly&apos;s county directory includes: </p> <ul> <li>a general description of the county</li> <li>a directory of official and public establishments and institutions,</li> <li>a street directory</li> <li>a private residents directory</li> <li>a commercial directory</li> <li>a professional & trades directory.</li> </ul> <p>This book also includes information on some of the neighbourhoods which surround Chester, including Great Boughton, Hoole and Upton.<br><br> A Street Directory, Commercial Directory and Private Residents Directory is included in each of these sections.</p>
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