Canada, Government Honours and Awards
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Căutare în Canada, Government Honours and Awards
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Canada, Government Honours and Awards
356.193 înregistrări
This collection contains records of individuals who received Canadian honours and awards for their tremendous contributions to Canada. Records date from the year 1975 onwards and typically include the name of the individual, the place of residence, the date the award was granted and the award that was granted. Some individuals have received more than one award.<br><br>The records in this collection are © The Governor General of Canada.
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Justin BieberAwarded: 2012 - Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal
Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer. Bieber is recognized for his genre-melding musicianship and has played an influential role in modern-day popular music.
On 2012 Bieber received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, He was one of 60,000 Canadians to receive the Diamond Jubilee medal that year.