Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012
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Căutare în Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012
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Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012
2.579.042 înregistrări
This collection is an index to deaths recorded in Connecticut between 1949 and 2012. Information contained in this collection includes: name of deceased, death date and place, age at time of death, and death state file number. Some records may also include birth date, spouse's name, and residence information.<br><br>Information provided in this index can be used to request a copy of the original death certificate. The original record will likely list additional information about the deceased and his or her death. Copies of death records can be obtained from the <A href="|46940|&dphNav_GID=1601" target="_blank">State Vital Records Office at the Connecticut Department of Public Health</a>. Copies of vital records can also be obtained from the <A href="" target="_blank">Connecticut town</a> where the event occurred. Note: For 1952 to 1958, this index only includes deaths that occurred in Connecticut; out-of-state deaths of Connecticut residents are not included. For the years 1963, 1971, and 1972, this index includes records of Connecticut residents only; deaths for out-of-state residents that occurred in Connecticut are not included.
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