Indicele atestatelor miliției britanice, 1886 - 1910
86,081 înregistrări
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Căutare în Indicele atestatelor miliției britanice, 1886 - 1910
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Indicele atestatelor miliției britanice, 1886 - 1910
86.081 înregistrări
This collection currently contains the names of over 86,000 recruits to militias in Cheshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hampshire, Kent, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Surrey and Yorkshire, and in south and central Scotland; the Irish Origins database contains an index to a further 12,500 men who applied to militias in Ireland. These recruits came from all over the British Isles.<br><br>Militia Attestations can be very fruitful sources of genealogical data. They were documents filled in at the time of recruitment and contain much personal data. The Origins Network will be making available indexes to over a hundred thousand militia attestations, covering the whole of the British Isles, for the period of late 19th & early 20th centuries.<br><br><b>Bibliography:</b> Militia Attestations Index: copyright 2005 OMS Services Ltd and Jenifer Edmonds. From the British Origins Collection.
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